Sunday, October 01, 2006

John Doerr has been getting a lot of PR lately for his investments in energy-related startups; I, for one, had great time reading about EEStor, a firm that hopes to revolutionize transportation by commercializing ceramic batteries that can charge quickly, hold massive amounts of energy, and basically let us live as we do now but without dependence on foreign oil.

He's also been a big force in the Global Warming Solutions Act passed here in California recently. Venture Beat covered this recently, but what I found really interesting were all the comments to the article. Basically, the majority of commenters think Doerr is self-interested, disingenuous and completely out of touch with youth and reality. Maybe Mr. Doerr should avoid the mistake made by so many celebreties and tech riches; namely that of assuming their business success means people care about what they have to say.

Global warming - a left-wing phenomenon if ever there was one - is a farce, but we *do* need independence from foreign oil; that, Mr. Doerr, is the right banner under which to march your clean tech investments.